PFAS Investigation & Treatment


Extensive experience working with local, state, and federal regulators for the investigation, characterization, mitigation and/or remediation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) under constantly evolving drinking water and groundwater guidelines, advisories, and regulations • Options for small business contracts and 8(a) direct awards • Over $40 million in contract awards for PFAS remedial investigation, mitigation and remediation • Large bonding capacity


  • Extensive experience in the most current detection, site characterization, and treatment methodologies and technologies for PFOS and PFOA
  • PFAS Remedial Investigation (RI) to define the nature and extent of contamination, and assess for risk to human health and the environment
  • Feasibility studies (FS) for the development, screening, and detailed evaluation of alternative remedial actions for PFAS chemicals in environmental media
  • Design, construction and installation of granular activated carbon (GAC), ion-exchange resin, and reverse osmosis treatment systems for the removal of PFAS chemicals at public, commercial, and private drinking water supply wells
  • Alternate drinking water supply delivery
  • Sampling and analysis of groundwater, surface water, drinking water, sediment, and soils
  • Community outreach and support
  • Characterization, transportation and disposal of PFAS contaminated waste
  • Analytical data verification, validation, and ERPIMS data submission
  • GIS database management to facilitate integration of site data and graphics.
  • Environmental permitting, compliance, and regulatory site closure
  • Action Memorandums and Decision Documents
  • Emergency, Immediate, Rapid, and Time-Critical Response Actions
For general questions:

James A Pratt

(225) 333-0999


Municipal and Residential Well Treatment System Correct...
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PFOS/PFOA Sampling and Mitigation
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